There is a school of thought among time travel theorists that if one travels into the past and changes it sufficiently, not only is a separate future created, one's original future becomes inaccessible forever. If that's true, maybe future-Lois has now blocked herself off from future-Clark forever, past-Lois must now somehow learn to be her own future self, and future-Lois must learn to live in own past - one which is no longer her own.

And how can she tell Clark that she's messed up her life - no, their lives? How will he deal with the information about himself that she can give him that she would have no way of knowing in 1995? Beginning, of course, with his other identity, but also including knowledge of future events and her sudden weight loss. Surely someone will notice, just as someone other than Clark will eventually notice that Mrs. Kent is filling out her blouses and skirts a bit more impressively now.

I'm not sure even H. G. Wells can help them now. Maybe the only ones who can are the timecops in Utopia. Just as long as they don't send Andrus.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing