He took a deep breath. “I was stupid, Rach...”

“True... but it was very *human* of you.”
Talk about genetic defects laugh

Clark stiffened suddenly, hearing several sirens. <CJ?>

<Tied... Why does Lucy keep staring at me?>

Clark looked at Lois. “My turn...” he smiled at Jimmy and rushed for the stairs. <She walked in on Lois and me kissing last night...>

<And that is special how?>
Yeah, about that...

<I was in my Suit...>

<Oh... Well, that... Clark! You have to be more careful!>

<Jimmy was there, too...>

<You’re kidding?!>

<Nope... Sorry, Jay...>

Clark grinned at his brother’s curses rang in his head as he took to the air.
Now, now, now… Do you need another mouth wash, courtesy of Martha Kent?
clap Michael /ducking because of preview/

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I go by Michael on the Archives.