Whoa! Can I just stand in awe for a little bit? Because I wasn't expecting to get anywhere near this much feedback so quickly.

/is blown away!

Thank you!!!

@Dandello: I know you probably wanted more of Jimmy... I tried, but I just never managed to write him so he sounded anything even remotely close to Jimmy at all, so I settled for this and not posting the story several days late while I tried to turn the whiny kid I had into a reasonable facsimile of Jimmy Olsen. Sorry!

@Jessi: I do still write Lois! Sometimes. ..except of course it's Smallville's Lois. Too bad I can't mix and match, cause I like OUR Clark better than theirs. wink

@Ann: Yeah, you're right, it's probably not a star, but another piece of Nightfall - or better, a piece of Krypton. *giggles* If this had been set in S1, I think I would probably have tried to slip something about that in there, but... well... Sweet pic, btw - thanks for posting!

@LaraJK: There are two sorta kinda nods to the comics, with WGBS and Fifth Street. But I tried to stick to actual show canon for everything else. And I honestly wasn't thinking of Clark for the new news anchor. LOL! I was thinking of someone else, but it's just a detail that's not very important.

@Lisamaree: Sorry, my dance card is full already, and there won't be a sequel. Do feel free to write one, if you feel like it, though. You, or anyone else. smile

@Michael: Way to go on speed. *giggles* Vicky Vale is actually an interesting guess - but she's more of a photographer. Besides, I was really trying not to bring in any of the Bat-clan in this one. wink

@Carol (& Elisabeth as well): Thank you for putting this ficathon together! Wasn't easy coming up with a fic after so long, but it was fun, too. Thanks for that. smile

@bellarata, Lieta, bobbart, crazy_babe, cp33, Sheila, Lisa (*hugs*!), robinson: Thank you so, so much for the comments! I appreciate them more than you know. smile

...and as for all of you asking about Batman: Well, see... in memory of his passing, I figured it would be appropriate of me to offer you all a "fic of silence."

[what? you don't believe me? oh come on! seriously... can't y'all see I'm mourning?]

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies