Yep, that was very cute indeed! laugh

For half a second, she contemplated pouring the contents of her glass right back into the bowl, but she had a funny feeling she'd get caught doing it, and she was in no mood to endure a lecture about etiquette or hygiene.
*snort* (But you know what? There have been many fics where Lois hasn't been able to be around anything alcoholic without getting totally plastered, so I find it a refreshing change that she wants to pour her punch right back into the bowl!) laugh

"Hey, look, a shooting star!" came Clark's voice from right behind her.
You know what? When I read that, I thought that Clark had taken off into outer space to fix a few shooting stars for Lois. It wouldn't be too hard. Find some pieces of meteorite, quite small ones, and aim them at Metropolis. They will burn up beautifully in the atmosphere and turn into great shooting stars! laugh

[Linked Image]

"You know... Sometimes I think you spend too much of your time around Superman. He's rubbing off on--" Lois paused abruptly, frowned, then went on, "Or is it the other way around and you're rubbing off on him? You guys are starting to sound more and more alike..."
Galactically stupid Lois... :rolleyes:

"Hey, guys," he called out, waving at them with a hand, "I just found out something really big! You'll never guess who the new anchor for the WGBS evening news is going to be!"

Just then, the elevator bell dinged and its doors opened. Lois abruptly pushed Clark inside.

"No, I suppose we won't," Lois replied shrugging, as the doors closed on a very confused Jimmy.
