Thank you so much for all of your comments. I really love hearing what everyone's thoughts are.

Tank the Resting (who still hasn't figured out how Earl and Julia are going to become bad guys like Bob and Carol)
Or are they...? smile1

Too bad you don't show us the actual smoochies.
That's my girl! Always asking for the smoochies.

Denzler is a creep
LOL, Merry. He certainly is.

The juxtaposition of conversations was very effective, again, Anna, and Denzler's character very well thought out.
Thank you very much for those compliments, Labby. I'm glad to know that those elements are working. laugh

I must confess that Gladys's attitude had me blinking and wondering how on earth she'd survived in the job so long! Is this common in the US for big corporations?
Hmmm, as for how often it actually happens in RL, I have no idea. Probably not very much. But it's not uncommon to see a stereotypically rude or dumb or annoying secretary in movies/tv/etc. It's mostly used as comic relief rather than a portral of reality. I hope that eases your fears about big corp secretaries. wink

Thanks again to everyone for all of your comments. Keep them comming cause part 6 is already up!
