Dammit I need a Kleenex, (which of course you should translate into 'great part')
Good thing you gave me the translation. I never knew that 'Dammit I need a Kleenex' meant 'great part.' I'll have to remember that in the future. laugh

Thanks, Sarahg. Now, see... I immediately knew that meant 'great part.' laugh

So, does this mean married LnC only get to get some office nookie when she runs out of legal pads? Or does she *run out of legal pads* when she wants to get some office nookie?
Or... it could mean that Clark goes to the storage room to get her new legal pads when she runs out laugh

One question, I've noticed that there has been a fair amount of nookie (of course more is always welcomed) but no ancient curse coming true. If the soul mates principle holds shouldn't there also have been some terrible tragedy occurring after that fist time?
Really good point! I missed that completely. Okay, so... damage control. Let's see, how do I deal with this?

Hmm... well, there's always the option of the easy out (where I put at the beginning of my story that there is no soulmate curse). But... what about this?

In our reality, Lois and Clark were told that the curse would kick in when they 'consummated.' So the definition of consumated according to the online dictionary I use is:

to make (a marriage) actual by sexual intercourse
So the only time the curse would kick in would be if they were married and then consummating their marriage. Premarital nookie would not be caught by the curse. (How's that for some quick stepping around the issue? Does that work for you? laugh )

And to all of you... I'm glad that you're still enjoying this. And thanks so much for letting me know.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane