Uh-oh! I've got a really bad feeling about where this is going...
“I guess they decided to dress for the occasion,” Mihoshi said.

It took Nelson a moment to realize what she was saying. At least half the crowd was wearing some sort of Superman insignia on their t-shirts. The rest were dressed more normally, but the shirts, mostly white stood out in the dimness of the night.

“Tell Joe to get some footage of this,” Nelson said when several people began handing out candles.

They were lit, and Nelson saw that the crowd had grown even more than he had thought. Almost a thousand people were standing around the parting lot talking quietly among themselves.

When one man pointed into the sky, the whole sea of faces began to turn and stare in one direction.
Reaching the end of the crowd, he turned and spoke for the first time.

“Be good to each other,” he said.

A moment later he was airborne and out of sight.

Somewhere someone began a slow chant, and the gathering turned into some sort of prayer for the dead.

At the cameraman’s curt nod, Nelson relaxed. It hadn’t been the interview he’d been hoping for, but they had the government’s promise of a helicopter ride further inland.

The world was changing, and he planned to be there to document it all.
Shayne, is Clark (that is, 'the guy in the "Superman" suit') becoming the unwitting object of a religious movement?!?

I don't think I've ever read a L&C story where such a thing was explored in any great detail before. Just the thought of it creeps me out!

And I'm sure that Clark would feel the same way, and vehemently deny, on every news medium available, that that was ever his intent. But, in spite of his best efforts, I can see such a movement getting away from him.

