Originally posted by MLT:

Oh, and Darth... sorry for posting today, but... well, don't tell her I told you but I'm a little afraid that Carolm will come after me if I don't keep up my every other day posting schedule. eek

Snork. How did I miss that?! Oh. Right. I was still in my full 'ML is evil' rant mode at the time wink .

Really, if you don't want me to come after you, you could just send it all straight to my inbox. Even unedited. I'll help edit it. Sure. I have nothing else to do. And I do have a bit of a buffer on LtL. And even if I didn't, I'm sure the gentle readers would understand that this is more important. Honest.

Carol [you really don't think I'm ever going to give up on that do you?]