Carol [who is still wondering why she's not waiting until this makes it to the archive]
Because it's that good.

I actually felt Clark's relief when he discovered Lois's byline, confirming that she's still alive. Now all they have to do is find Clark's byline in the Star and find out what he's writing about. That might be a big clue.

Me, I can't imagine what Clark has done that's so totally evil that both Perry and Jimmy would just as soon clobber him as give him the time of day. I doubt that anyone at the Planet will even acknowledge his existence if they can possibly avoid it. And helping Clark do anything, including finding the men's room? Forget it. They're far more likely to hinder his every effort than to help him. And they might even view Lois as a traitor to the Planet just for being in the same room with him.

If Clark and Lois can't work together, how can they figure out what's gone wrong? And if they can't figure out what happened, how could they possibly fix it? And why do I think that those few coins Lois dropped into the vending machine are going to come back to haunt them?

ML, I think you've read the advice from that author who imagines the worst possible thing that could happen to her characters and then makes them go through it. You go, girl!

More, soonest. The tension is just ratcheting up with each post.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing