“Well, it’s just... considering the fact that this reality is different, do you really think we should be using change from our old reality? After all, the economy relies on the fact that the government doesn’t just print money because it feels like it. Otherwise, it could just print up enough money to pay off the national debt. But that would destroy the economy by making the dollar worthless. It can only print what it can substantiate and if we go adding money to the economy...”

Lois rolled her eyes, reaching into his hand to withdraw the change as he continued to explain economics to her. Without waiting for him to finish, she pushed past him, putting the correct change into the dispenser.

“Lois!” he exclaimed.

“Clark, a little bit of loose change isn’t going to cause the world’s economy to come crashing down around our feet.” She reached in, removing a paper. “So what are we looking for?” she asked, flipping open the paper. The headline from the Associated Press read: ‘President Garner Reveals Tax Plan.’ Not exactly earth shattering news.
Well, if they are from this reality, then the money is from that reality as well. That's a little over simplified, but basically what I think is going to happen is that that little amount ain't going to do squat because it isn't material enough to do damage.

Now, if they buy a yacht...

He seemed to study her forever before letting out a breath. “Okay, fine. But I’m making you responsible for Kent. Don’t leave him alone anywhere where he could do any damage.”
Goodnight! What happened to Perry and everyone else!


i don't think Lois is married to Lex. Gut feeling, can't explain it.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!