Thanks everyone!

dede, I completely sympathize with you on the being alone at night thing. When I used to babysit, I would get so scared... blush

As for the mystery aspect, we're going to get quite a few new clues in the next part. laugh I have this really bad habit of dropping really obvious hints until people get what I'm taking about, but here online it works good because I can just delete all the really obvious things I say. wink And I always find that something that seems really blunt to me isn't always that way for readers who don't know what's going on inside my kooky head. I really thought I had let the cat out of the bag during the very first part with that mysterious 3rd person narrator. But so far, no one's brought the thing that I thought they would. Or maybe they noticed it right away and didn't say anything because they didn't want to spoil my delusion that I was actually fooling anyone. blush

I'm hoping to post the next part on Thursday before the boards go down for the weekend.