Me too, Beth. This was really good. I like the glimpse into Jon's recent past and his thoughts on dealing with the dual identity conundrum, and also dealing with the reaction people (especially women) are having to Supernova. And the smoochus interruptus is so very L&C that if there wasn't any, we'd have to insert it.

I'm not so sure about Jay and Ellie getting together. There's a lot more going on with him than meets the eye. Maybe the "Fidelity" emphasis in this story will center around Kaylie's family instead of her relationship with Jon.

And I, also, was surprised at Jon's quick revelation to Jay, but it makes sense in the story. Jay is NIA, which means that he's not just used to keeping secrets from others, he's used to keeping secrets from himself. I foresee no danger that he'll spill the beans - unless, of course, the quandary he's gotten himself into puts him in some impossible no-win situation.

This is gonna be good, Beth. Not that it isn't already. I'm glad about the quick proposal, and I'm not surprised that Jon and Kaylie can't keep their hands and lips off each other. And it's quite natural to be distracted by the woman you love and not x-ray her apartment for intruders. (I find myself doing that all the time.)

Waiting eagerly for the next chapter.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing