So, this will be brief as I'm writing this from an airport lounge and my flight is going to board any minute. But I have had such limited internet access thus far on this trip that I didn't want to wait for my return.

I think (hope) I mentioned this the first time I read it, but in case not - the pin-up flashback is one of my favorite parts of anything you've written (and I'm a big fan of it all). In just a few paragraphs you manage to convey so many things. The scene is funny and sad at the same time. It must be so hard for Jon to be Supernova and a typical college kid. His experiences are so different than Clark who was dealing with not being "normal" at this age, but was not yet an international hero.

Second part of this chapter I love is Jay. He's just so well drawn, I can really imagine him even though he's only played a bit part before now.

Really brilliant work, Beth!