Whoa, Sara! This is great! thumbsup

You had me almost fooled, you know; I was reading it and thinking that it all made perfect sense for Clark to be thinking of Lois like that - her refusal to see him for who he really is, her determination to keep him only as a friend. And yet some part of me was telling me that it might not be Clark... wink

This shows us how right Kaethel is to argue that in many ways Lex has similarities to Superman - is this where the idea came from? They're each, in different ways, the most powerful man in Metropolis. And, yes, Lex could arrange to have her apartment cleaned for her in seconds... by sending in a maid service. wink And, yes, Lois moons over Superman while leaving both Lex and Clark dangling. There are some terrific parallels in here!

Excellent! And very thought-provoking, even without that classic twist at the end. I love it!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*