Look what happens when I go home for the weekend and don't check the boards for a few days. More feedback! Yay!

James, I left you feedback on the poster in the other folder, but can I just say how thrilling it was to have someone enjoy the story enough to make a FFP for it? It's awesome (both the work you did and the feeling it gave me). Thank you so much. notworthy

I loved the idea of using Bernie as the sort-of bad guy (although if he'd really been bad, wouldn't he have shot someone?)
Thanks. I didn't think I'd seen that happen before, so I was pretty pleased with how that turned out. Although my Bernie was corruptable, I still couldn't make him *that* bad. So I made him a bungling villian.
And, like Marcus, I wonder what Martha and Donna will do when Rose shows up with this invulnerable guy. And since Jack is apparently the Face of Bo, will Clark live a very long time also? Such a lovely bunch of sequel possibilities!
There you go. Now you know what to keep yourself busy with as soon as you're finished with "Further on Down the Road". wink

You kept things balancd, added in some nice bits (Rose's excitement about being able to travel diminsions), drew parallels between the two couples and kept the story going without the exposition slowing things down too incredibly much
Thanks Shayne. I tend toward heavy narration, so I'm glad it didn't bog the story down. I'm also totally geeked out that you (and other LnC writers I admire) liked my little story. jump Thanks for posting your thoughts.

I loved how Clark and Lois were around each other and also the fact that Rose will be able to get back to the Doctor!
laugh Thanks. I love to read (and write) about Lois and Clark interacting as well. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.