Ooh, fascinating! I'm not normally a fan of crossovers, but when you bring in DW, and it's Rose, and she's being clever and investigating and kicking arse and generally being amazing... yes!

Loved this:
Her gaze was searching, full of either natural skepticism or pure incredulity. It was almost as if the woman were trying to see through Clark’s outer appearance to find someone she wasn’t sure existed inside. Rose recognized the look and wondered at it. It hadn’t been so long ago that she’d done the same thing herself, trying to look past the new face and voice of the regenerated Doctor to see if her Doctor still existed.
because it's so perfectly Rose and the Doctor as well as Lois and Clark. So true.

And the idea of Lois and Clark as companions on the TARDIS... oh, Jack and Clark (and Lois) would be hilarious. goofy

This needs a sequel. Kathy has told you that, right? It also needs to be posted on A Teaspoon and an Open Mind . All right? wink

Wendy (wmr/wendymr in Who fandom) smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*