Dedicated to Coolgirl, SueS and Classicalla; you guys know why And with many, many thanks to the amazing Dave for BRing.
Awww.... Gee, thanks, Wendy. Talk about embarrassing - you get a story dedicated to you (at least partially) and it takes you days to get around to reading it. blush I've even had it open for days but didn't even manage to read the first bit. Doubly embarrassing. blush blush Now I must kiss your feet...

She stands back, a sparkling red bauble in her hand, and studies the tree. There. No, there. No -
I know you have no idea... But this sounds so much like me. Decisions. Decisions.

Why is it that so many Christmas songs are for couples? Or families? Or lovers? Why can’t someone - anyone - write one happy Christmas song for someone who’s single?
So true.

He’s grinning at her, and looking completely gorgeous in blue jeans, a soft blue cotton shirt and - oh, god, it should look ridiculous on him, but it doesn’t - a Santa hat.
Oh my goodness. Be still my soul. The image that envokes... Sigh....

“I choose you,” she tells him. “You’re what I want under my Christmas tree.”
That’s just so sweet. Awww....

Wonderful story, Wendy. I loved it!!!

A cute Christmas vignette by a very promising newcomer. Hope to see more from this writer in the coming new year.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~