Dedicated to Coolgirl...
Aaaawwwww... That's so sweet of you, Wendy! I'm ready to go through all that Poll Fun *disaster* again if only I can extract some more stories from you!
Lois Lane, the Scrooge of the Daily Planet
“Lois.” Oh, damnit, he’s laughing at her again. “Lois, how much have you had to drink?”
“Are skunks drunk?” she questions, even as she’s seeking out his lips yet again.
“No, Superman’s hiding under the sofa-cushions,” she retorts.
I know these lines contain humor, and should make me only laugh but I can also feel Lois' vulnerability. How do you do that - bring out the underlying subtle emotions and project it in just a single line?!?!?! sloppy

That was a really wonderful Christmas read!

Now how about a NewYear read, a Valentine read, and one for Easter? We're not gonna demand much, but please do justice to LnC in between your other Fandoms!!! We're starving ( or at least, I am) for *your-kind-of-stories*!

I hope this is the beginning of a Wendy revival.
Me too, Sue! Me too!! jump


( oo * Work) + (1 * Hubby) + (2 * Kids) = 0 * Time