Wendy's back! Wonderful. What a Christmas present!

To me, there were two things that absolutely stood out in this fic. First it is how Lois, in her drunken state, "divides herself in two", so that she becomes one person who is "reasonable" and one who has sunk to a more primal level and is effectively out of control. And then reasonable Lois is watching primal Lois act, and she is disbelieving herself. The telephone conversation was absolutely priceless!

She lifts the receiver, and then hesitates. Who? Her mom didn't leave a phone number. Her dad - well, he never did appreciate being disturbed. Which only leaves Lucy. She doesn't know where Lucy's staying in California - but, wait. She gave Lucy a cellphone for Christmas, after all, for this exact reason. Her sister's never been great at staying in touch.

But, instead of Lucy's cellphone number, her fingers tap out a different sequence.

“Information. Can I help you?”

What? Did she do that?
Wonderful. And it goes on:

She looks at the phone as if it's some kind of alien object that's just materialised in her hand. Put it down. Hang up. All she has to do is hang up and it'll be fine.

Instead, a voice - her voice? it can't be - says, “I'd like a number in Smallville, Kansas, please. Jonathan and Martha Kent.”
Oh wow!

What is she doing? It's not as if she wants to speak to him, after all. What's she calling Smallville for?

“I have the number here, ma'am. Would you like me to put you through?”

No. Absolutely not. No way on Earth. “Yes, please.”
Love it!

Christmas at the Kent farm. She can visualise it now: snow on the ground outside, logs crackling on the fire, a huge tree in the corner of the living-room, mistletoe hanging over the fireplace and the scent of fresh pine everywhere. No need for scented candles in the farmhouse.

And delicious smells coming from the kitchen - pies, cookies and all the traditional Christmas meats and vegetables, cooked to perfection by Martha. If there's such a thing as a perfect family Christmas, that's where it'd be.
This made me teary-eyed. Poor Lois!

“But you didn't call to talk to me, Lois!” Martha exclaims. “Here's Clark now!”

Clark. No. She didn't call to talk to him. Really, she didn't. “Hi, Clark.”
mecry But because she said that Superman was hiding under the sofa-cushions... that made it inevitable that Superman would come to her apartment just about now, didn't it? laugh

“Lois.” He's firmer this time. “Lois, listen to me. I'm gonna hang up now. But I'll be right back. You hear? I'll talk to you again in just a minute. Don't go anywhere.”
He's coming!!! Right now!!! rotflol

He shakes his head, and she can tell he's almost shaking with laughter. So not fair. “Lois, how much have you had to drink?”

She shrugs. “Not much.”

“Too much.” He sighs. “I wonder how much of this you'll even remember tomorrow.”
Let's hope she won't forget!!!

“Lois, concentrate. Here or Smallville?”

He really wants her to answer? That involves making a decision. That's so not fair. “Um... Smallville,” she manages at last, probably because it's the only way she's going to find out just how it is they don't need a plane.

“Good. That's what I hoped you'd say.” He bends and kisses her once more, then, in a flourish, he removes his glasses.

His face swims before her. Her jaw drops. Two faces meet her gaze. They blur and shimmer and resolve into one. And, oddly, it feels as if she knew all along. Now, anyway. Tomorrow, when she's sober, she might feel differently.

But now... well, the answer's simple.

Clark's Superman, and that's so not fair, but he's her Clark, her Superman, and he's going to take her home for Christmas. That's fair. Oh, so much better than fair.

“Clark,” she whispers as, now that he's dressed in the Spandex and he's scooped her into his arms.


“Am I a Scrooge?”

He chuckles, and the rumble of his laughter sends shivers through her body. “Only if I'm your Spirit of Christmas - past, present and future.”

“Works for me.”

Wonderful, Wendy. Thank you for this lovely piece of Christmas cheer!
