Originally posted by Nan:
Thanks everyone. I needed the fdk to keep going as fast as I did -- this has been a harrowing couple of months. I'll probably get back to this world after a while. I still have the sequel to The Hottest Team in Town to do and then I've promised a couple of people that I'd do a sequel to Halloween -- I'm thinking of writing one about the Lois and Clark that Lois met in the other world.

And don't forget TU!

I hope your 2008 is uneventful as well.

Wow, what a ride. I loved it, like I do all your work.

I especially liked the car chase and the baby save.

doofus...hmmm. I think I could get used to Elisabeth saying that to me, maybe.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!