Wow! This was so well-written. Ditto to what everyone above wrote, and to the lines they chose to quote. (I think my personal favorite was the alligator boots. goofy ) I loved it all!

I'm embarrassed to admit that at first I had no idea what Clark was doing rolling up his sleeves. The significance of the color of his undershirt was lost on me blush (for some reason, in my mind I pictured it as a kind of long-johns). I thought, "Why would he roll up his shirt and his undershirt, thereby exposing his arm to Jimmy's view, only to keep the undershirt rolled up and then roll the shirt back down?"

LOL. I can't believe how slow I can be sometimes. laugh

It wasn't until Jimmy reflected on what he saw that I had my 'Eureka' moment.

Thanks to sammie for asking about Jimmy fics. If it hadn't been for your question, I would have missed out on reading this wonderful story.

thumbsup thumbsup

Editted to add: you know what? I said my favorite was the line about the boots, and it's true, I did LOL over that. But I think my favorite part was the no-nonsense way Lois took charge of the situation, pulling Jimmy from the boat, and telling him in a manner that brooked no argument that Clark would handle it alone.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster