Hi Lisa!

“I wonder,” Jimmy said thoughtfully, “if that’s a real alligator.”

They both looked down at it, considering. Jimmy had never thought much about what alligators looked like, but this one was kind of handsome in his reptilian way. It was about fifteen feet long, black as coal and looked indestructible. And it was less than ten feet from the toes of Jimmy’s boots. Alligator boots. He gulped and took a step backwards.
I absolutely love that intro. It's really funny and completely drew me in. In fact, why am I still typing this when I have more to read?

Lois let out a small shriek and jumped back, falling on her behind. She stood and scrambled up the slope, barreling into Jimmy and sending them both to the ground. She immediately sat back up and looked over at the alligator, which had gone back to its statue-like trance.

Jimmy shrugged at them, dismissing the thought as he turned in his seat. He was about to return to the subject of the camera-shy bear when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something break through the water and latch on to CK’s arm.
Ahh!!! Glad there wasn't kryptonite around.

“Jimmy, Clark will be fine,” she said. He tried to push her away, but her grip strengthened almost to the point of pain. “Look at me! Let him handle it.”
Whew! *big sigh of relief* Lois knows already. I think she might have fed him to the rest of the alligators if she hadn't.

Jimmy raised his camera and looked through the lens at Clark, who was still watching him patiently. He spent several moments adjusting the settings, trying to set the balance that would capture a portrait showing both sides of the man, but he couldn’t find it. He lowered his camera and studied his friend for another moment.

Some things were too big for film.
That was beautiful. I loved Jimmy finding out and his thought process.

Great job, Lisa!


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile