Hello everyone! goofy I'm glad - I hope it lives up to your expectations. Yeah, I always thought it would be sad for Clark to lose someone like that clone - sure he was a "drip" (like you said) but he was showing promise by the end of the ep, and he was the only person like Clark on the planet. Suspicious? Nah...

I loved all of your postulations and theories. Absolutely reveled in them. <g> Glad I've got you salivating. Thanks for the fdk, Alcyone!

Hi Jen! LOL at the alarm clock suggestion - yeah, that could work too. <g> I'm so glad everyone enjoyed that ending line so much. Yes - RAFO. I'm LOL at your declaration. The first step is admitting the truth goofy I'm glad you want more. Thanks. Hmmm, yes, I do have some cushion. Maybe I can get the next part out a little early. I said a week, but maybe Sunday night? Thanks for the fdk, Laura!

Hi Symbolic! Thank you! Hee hee. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Ann! Yes, I know how often Labby comments - I was tickled pink. Oooooh, I just loved all your comments (as always <g>) And I loved your little Superman comic expose on the assumed dark personality - very interesting stuff. And... awwww, you won't say any more about it? <pout> I chose those specific songs because they went along with my story, yes, but also because I just thought they were fun little "details". My English teacher always said "the devil's in the details". I think having some details or descriptions like that just helps to bring the story to life. I could have just said Lois flipped through the channels bypassing songs and sports scores - but that wouldn't have been nearly as fun to me. <g>

Could "our Clark" ever behave threateningly toward Lois, even if he was "sleep-walking" or something similar? I find it hard to believe.
Hmmm, that's a very interesting question, Ann. Very...

Thanks for the fdk! And I loved the little, err, "rat" at the end. Ha ha! Too cute! Yes, I'll definitely listen to what LabRat and everyone had to say. Thank you!

Hi doublel! Hee hee. Thanks.

Hi viv! Heh - thanks. I'm glad you liked the ending and are enjoying the story. I hope to have part 2 up perhaps Sunday night? I would post sooner - but I have to pace myself. I'll run out of cushion, stress out my muse, and then we'll all be in trouble. <g>

Thank you all so much for your fdk! I'll see you soon with part 2!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.