Oooh, once I saw the "dark" warning, I got happy. I can't _not_ ccomment on a fic that has one of my two favorite labels. smile

I like the reflection here:

Clark frowned sadly. He hadn’t wanted things to end that way. It would have been nice having a... a what? A brother? That was about the closest analogy he could make. But the clone had been dying. He had been in pain. And he had asked Clark to destroy him. So Clark had obliged.
So we have the loneliness thing where even though the clone was a drip, he was still someone like Clark. I can see why he'd feel some attachment or want to. And of course, I like my Clark angsty, which makes me really appreciate his meditation on how unpleasant it was to see the clone die.

This makes me suspicious:

His body felt strangely lethargic for having finally gotten a good night’s sleep. It was the first time in a long time that he had slept so well or for so long.
Hmm. I do hope he did it. That would be awesome, just for how he himself would react to it. I mean it is really scary when you're not completely in control of your actions. In some ways, that's his biggest nightmare...and if it's coming true...*shudder* And then of course, throw Lois into the mix...

But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself and it is another clone or something.

He would never knowingly hurt her. She felt safe with him in a way that she wasn’t sure she could ever feel with any normal guy.
Keyword "knowingly"--it just screams at me, but maybe that's just me. That whole segment is interesting because it has me wondering just when Lois' infatuation turned into something legit, taking her word for it that what she feels for him is real.

Anyway, so then if Supes wasn't unerringly safe she wouldn't be attracted to him by her logic. Which if presumably (huge IF b/c it could just be another clone and make all this just useless speculation) , it is Superman who is acting all without morals, she'd be the first to call him out on it and turn against him to take him down.

Or would she? (just how deep is that "soul mates" connection anyway...)

salivating at the possibilities,

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan