Great beginning, DJ!

(And heh - I was LOLing at LabRat's reply! DJ, do you know how often Labby comments on a story at all these days? That should tell you that you have to keep going with this!)

After smashing more alarm clocks than most people cared to own in a lifetime, he had bought one with a radio instead.
Funny! I myself often get up inhumanly early, or it feels that way at least. My blasted alarm clock wakes me up. Can you believe it's the same non-beloved noise machine that I bought when I moved into my first apartment, thirty years ago?)

“Reports confirm that Superman was seen robbing a bank earlier this morning...” a man's voice continued.

WHAT? Clark's brain stammered and the rest of the announcer's words were lost in a static fog.
I love his stammering brain! The static fog ain't so bad, either. Reminds me of the whitish static on a TV screen when there is nothing on. Did you know I read somewhere that the white "snow" of static is actually the signature of so-called virtual particles popping in and out of existence everywhere around us, which have a lot to do with the very existence of the universe? Then again, I guess it might be just static.... laugh

Once-esteemed? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Superman hadn't even had a chance to defend himself yet...

Wait a minute - had he just said that the robber had busted through the armor-plated vault door? That wasn't possible, was it? Not for a normal human, anyway.
So maybe that's why they would jump to the conclusion that Superman was actually guilty until proven innocent....

Clark frowned sadly. He hadn't wanted things to end that way. It would have been nice having a... a what? A brother? That was about the closest analogy he could make. But the clone had been dying. He had been in pain. And he had asked Clark to destroy him. So Clark had obliged.
I'm not quite as moved by this as Alcyone, but I like it. And I like how she put her reason for loving it.

At the time, Clark hadn't seen how it could possibly come back to haunt him.
Was it Jojo who said that everything comes back to haunt us? I like that, too.

His body felt strangely lethargic for having finally gotten a good night's sleep. It was the first time in a long time that he had slept so well or for so long. The last time he remembered waking up was to a police siren at about two o'clock in the morning, and it had been a false alarm. Now it was almost seven.

Clark grinned wryly at himself. Maybe he had gotten too much sleep.
DJ, did I ever tell you that I used to read the Superman comics? laugh Anyway, there was a story in the late eighties where Superman - Clark, actually - always woke up in the morning feeling really tired, even though he had always had a good night's sleep. Well, it later turned out that he hadn't been sleeping - at least, not in his bed! He had been sort of sleep-walking, roaming the streets, and when he did, he assumed another, darker personality. He became an avenger of crime rather than a good and bright upholder of truth and justice. His "other personality" created some havoc, and.... No, I think I'll say no more about that!

“Lois?” Clark furrowed his eyebrows. “Go where?” Had he forgotten about an appointment they had?
Hmmmmm. That sleep-deprived sleep-walking comic book Clark also became sort of forgetful.

“Unbreak my heart, say you'll love me again, undo this hurt that you've caused...”

“And then a hero comes along. With the strength to carry on. And you cast your fears aside. And you know you can survive...”
Wonder if you quoted these lines from well-known songs for any particular reason?

She could still remember the night that the clone had come over for dinner. Lois had been unsuspecting. She hadn't realized that it wasn't the real Superman. He had acted like a bad prom date. She could still remember the way his arm had slid behind her back in that a horrible excuse of a stretch, and the way he had lunged at her for a kiss. At that moment, Lois had realized what so drew her to Superman.

His goodness.
Could "our Clark" ever behave threateningly toward Lois, even if he was "sleep-walking" or something similar? I find it hard to believe.

Superman had saved the Planet from annihilation by an asteroid, but he may not yet have faced his biggest challenge.

Wow, that's a great way to end the first part of a fic, DJ! So now you just have to give us the rest of the story, hmmm? Just listen to what Labby said! laugh [Linked Image]
