My apologies again everyone for the incredible delay. I don't know if I'm going to have much time in the upcoming weeks, but I wanted to finally thank everyone for their comments and post the next section.

RKN, there really is quite a bit left, I hope that you stick around for the ride, even though I've been so unpredictable with my posting schedule. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

Ann, I'm glad you found this part to be affecting. It was difficult to write something that should be such a wonderful moment for LnC and have it be less than perfect because their pasts have made it impossible for them to emotionally connect the way they once did. But it wouldn't make sense for them to slip back into a normal routine and a normal life together.

Thank you for commenting, Maria. I know Clark's behavior has been frustrating, but I can't imagine it's easy for him to transition from a world at war into peace and a home life that has changed so much while he was away.

Tags, you're definitely right that Clark has much to be proud of regarding his accomplishments on New Krypton, but he can't see those at the moment. He has to come to terms with everything that happened before he can do that. And he's going to need help to do that.

Noelle, more is coming up.

Frequent Flyer, I'm so glad you came out of lurkerdom to post and that you're enjoying the story. Thanks! I'm going to post more now.

Terry, thanks for always reading and commenting and for being so patient with me over this long, difficult slog. More is coming up.

Isa, thanks for commenting. I'm about to post the next section. I hope you enjoy it.

