Like so many others before me have said, I am SO GLAD that I already knew that they would last long enough to make it to the hospital! What a deliciously heart-wrenching chapter this was, Sue. I'm so glad this is all coming to a close soon because I don't know how much longer I could stand to see Lois and Clark suffer like that!

All of that aside, I absolutely adored the banter you wrote between Lois and Clark; it was so perfectly them. I loved how Lois searched her brain for a secret to tell Clark that wouldn't be incriminating or embarrassing - never mind the fact that he had just confessed to being a virgin! Geez, Lois, I think you could have figured out a secret that would have been comparable. wink Although, I do think he really appreciated her confession, so I shan't complain too much.

I hope she remembers telling Clark that she loved him, but, at this point, I'm pretty doubtful since she seemed rather delirious with a fever.

I know I haven't been leaving feedback throughout, but, Sue, know that I'm loving this story and that I can't wait for the final chapter!