Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your comments. I know Clark's leaving New Krypton long awaited, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hasini, thanks for the feedback. With the exception of the 'detour' I wrote and posted for Ann's birthday, I'm not planning on coming back to New Krypton.

Thanks for commenting, Jo. I'm glad you enjoyed the scene with Lois and Perry. More is on the way.

Terry, sorry for keeping you waiting so long. I'm glad that this section got to you. I won't keep you in suspense any longer. The next part is coming up.

Oh, and to settle a debate among you, Tank, and Ann, the hyperlight drives on Kryptonian space vessels cause the ships to fold space and 'jump' from point to point, thereby not actually traveling faster than light, but still getting from point A to point B faster than light could. This way, I don't have to deal with relativistic effects, and I can also explain why little ships go slower than bigger ones - their hyperlight drives are only capable of shorter jumps.

ClarkLovesLois, I'm glad you enjoyed this section and the send off the Kryptonians gave Clark.

Thanks for the feedback, Noelle. I'm really pleased to hear that you've come to like the Kryptonian characters.

Tank, I must admit to being very pleasantly surprised that you're still hanging in there with this story - Lois has a kid, there are a bunch of new tertiary characters, and I haven't done anything mean to Jimmy. Thanks for reading and commenting. Maybe there will be enough Lois and enough angst to keep you interested in upcoming parts.

Ann, thanks for your wonderful comments. I'm glad you enjoyed this part and the interactions between Clark and Talan. I've been pretty tough on her, but I think this is the best ending we could expect here for her.

You're right that Lok Sim has found closure from an unusual source. His meeting with Sur Ahn was charged and of course, the undercurrent for Lok Sim was always that he never knew what he'd do if he were in Sur Ahn's position. Sur Ahn basically tells him that he's not like her - that it was weakness in her character that led her to do something that her husband would never, ever have wanted her to do. Maybe he understands that now, and maybe he doesn't. But at the very least, he knows that he did everything he could to stop Sur Ahn.

LLWB, thanks for commenting. I'm really glad you liked Perry's line - I felt like that was something he'd say to Lois. If you do make another trailer, I'd be thrilled; the last one was terrific!

Chris, more is coming up. Thanks for reading!

