Okay, it's been long enough. We need our next Long Road Home fix! Let's see the next chapter as soon as is reasonable! I want to see Lois as Clark steps out of the capsule and drops to his knees to touch the earth of Earth. I want to see Clark try to assimilate the information about his son Jon. And I want to see them fight through all the barriers that time and space have placed between them to get together once again.

Because, ultimately, this is a story about love overcoming all obstacles. And I can't think of a Lois and Clark story with more obstacles and pitfalls and barriers. As soon as you can, Rac, we'd love to see the next chapter. I know you're busy, and I know that real life can intrude most suddenly, so take your time and be sure of what you have before you allow us to gaze upon it with awe and wonder.

Thank you for this tale.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing