Oh, MAN! You made me misty-eyed, Rac. I am so glad that Clark is finally going home, but I'm sad that he apparently won't see Ezra or Thia or Talan again.

Wonder if he'll recover his powers in our solar system or if there's some signal that will alert Ultra Woman to fetch the capsule down. And what if there's some malfunction? The capsule is traveling in normal space without a pilot, so please don't tease us like that! And I'm sorry I brought it up!

I thought Talan was going to break down and tell him that she loved him for just a brief moment. I'm glad she didn't, even though it will take her a long time to learn to let someone else that deep into her heart (assuming she ever learns). And Clark's reaction to the NKers kneeling to him was so very in character. Even though their expression of gratitude was appropriate to their culture, it embarrassed him. But maybe it will also convince him how much they love and appreciate him.

Poor Lois. She's about to have some of her pain alleviated, only to be replaced with a whole new set of problems. And Clark will have scads of adjustments to make, too. That will be the most painful part of the story.

And I'm eager to see just how you handle it. I have every confidence that it will be a completely masterful read, just as the rest of this saga has been.

On a side note, the birthday present for Ann ( party Happy Birthday!) was sweet and touching. It's incredibly hard to get past a permanent injury or sudden disability, and even harder to deal with the one you love the most without the injury or disability getting in the way. Lok Sim and Enza managed it with aplomb and tenderness. I wish them many, many happy days and nights together.

And I hope they name their first child after Clark.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing