
Clark has always been so hard on himself. It's funny how he used to maintain that he has to hold himself to stricter standards because of his powers and his uniquness, but now that he has no powers and he's just a regualr man like everyone else on New Krypton he still holds himself to those standards. He hasn't been able to let go of the superman mentality, which is not good b/c on New krypton he's not Superman. He doesn't have all the options available to him to deal with problems the way Superman did. It was a little naive of him to think that he was going to go off to war and never have to face killing someone. I think that the only person who will be able to help him with his feelings that he is not a good person anymore is Lois. He needs to confide in her everything that happened on New Krypton and have her say that she still loves him and that he's still a wonderful, caring man. I suspect that when Clark learns he has a son he may at first feel like he isn't even fit to be a father after what he did.

I'm so excited that he's going home soon. I wonder if being under the yellow sun will help heal some of his scars?

Poor Lois, it must hurt everytime she looks at Jon. I don't know how she's been able to deal with the pain of not knowing if she will ever see Clark again. It's enough to drive a person crazy! I'm glad Dr. Friskin has been able to help her deal with some of her issues. Out of all the L and C stories I've read it's this story where Lois is the strongest I've ever seen her.

I'm so excited for the upcoming things in this story!!! smile