I'm afraid I have to say that I'm disappointed in you Chris. You had a real opportunity to milk some major worry, grief, and fear angst there and you missed it.

Not only did you abandon you excellant chance for a good wham (CJ wouldn't have had to die, after all) but you have Lois 'save' him. Which then, of course, leads to all that yucky stuff. Tsk, Tsk.

That being said, I will have to admit that your writing is excellant. You do have a way of imagining a scene and bringing your reader into it. I hate both Jack and Jimmy, but your use of them (especially with Jimmy being the clueless goof) to point out certain little aspects works very well.

There are still several parts left and I'm hoping that means that there's still going to be opportunities for whams left. After all, Lex is still on the loose, and there is now no Superman.

Post again soon. (okay, okay... please?)

Tank (who thinks that Chris needs to hurt somebody, anybody... how about Jimmy?)