Oooo... ML likes love notes. I want love notes. Gimme love notes
If you'll forgive the corniness of this post, then ...
Your wish is my command, O Wonderous Wordsmith ...
sloppy sloppy sloppy sloppy

How do I love thy stories? Let me count the ways.
I Will Always Love You to the depth and breadth and height Superman can reach,
when feeling out of sight though Lost in Time and throughout Utopia.
I love to re-read to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee with Curiosity, as men strive to find Lois;
I love thee with Freedom, as she turns from her marriage to Lex.
I love thee with Destiny, transfering her childhood powers and ending her Grief.
I love thee when Roadtrekking, as Clark first felt attraction to a human woman,
--- I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! ---
and, even Without a Superman, I shall but love thee Out of Time, better after death.