Well, I'd like to reply to everyone individually, but with this embarrassment of riches, comments-wise blush I just don't think I can manage it smile Just rest assured that every single reply was appreciated.

A few bits I wanted to reply to:

The revelation -- this was one of the main reasons I wrote this story. I wanted to set up a situation where Lois would be relieved not to have to choose between Clark and Superman. Of course, that required her to be seriously interested in Clark, and by the time she gets there in the series, she's got plenty of reasons to react badly... so this idea intersected very nicely with the "Hubris" universe.

Clark's brunch preparations -- that was a case of transference, or something... I got to that part, and realized I had no idea what Clark should bring with him. goofy So then it seemed logical that *Clark* wouldn't know, either. smile The chocolate kisses, btw, were a gift from Paul, when I was panicking about this on IRC. Thanks, Paul!

Rewriting techniques -- I'm glad you guys enjoyed my twists... honestly though, I think I take such liberties with rewrites to avoid boring *myself* when I'm writing! :p

Tank -- don't give up yet wink

Luthor -- well, I considered wrapping him up "off-stage" -- maybe the cops would overhear him threatening Toni -- but I thought it would seem unsatisfying if L&C weren't working together to bring him down. Anything more involved, though, wouldn't have fit in this one.

Why did I start this series at H? Um, because I was *not* planning on it becoming a series smile I just wanted some way to get "Hubris" into the title <g> and it worked with *H*G Wells. For almost all of the time writing this story, it was called "I've Got a Crush on Two." But while plotting out the second one, I decided a third one was probably called for, and then when I was brainstorming the third, I noticed that I already had "H" and "I" in sequence, so maybe it'd be fun to re-title this one and continue the sequence... I've already got a plotline for J, but the title's not definite yet -- and I have a really cool title for K, but I still have to come up with a plot to match goofy

Claire... this is why I love having you on my beta-reading team <g>

Thanks *very* much to *everyone* who's commented, either here or earlier, or on IRC, or wherever... You guys are too kind, and your comments are greatly appreciated!


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K