Rac, just a few words here. As you saw, i didn't comment on the last part of The Roads They Walked Alone, because I couldn't deal with the fact that my favorite female character (apart from Lois, of course), Enza, seemed to die in that chapter. Add to this that another important female character, Zara, seemed to die as well, and add, too, that Dr. Ingrid Heller died in a previous chapter, and it seemed to me that this story was turning into a sort of femicide fest.

Thankfully, though, both Enza and Zara are alive. I'm particularly glad that Enza is alive. I very much hope that she will recover and be able to deal with having lost her leg. It seems to me that Enza has a very strong spirit, so I'm hopeful about her ability to find happiness and fulfillment in her life as an amputee, too. Also, as long as she recovers in other ways, there is no reason why she and Lok Sim can't be as happy in the future as they were before. There is no reason why they can't have children, either.

I'm glad that Enza survived thanks to Lok Sim, too. I can understand that he blames himself for her near death, and I more or less blamed him for failing to stop Rae Et's evil scheme myself, but of course that was not his fault. But it was certainly thanks to him that Enza survived.

The little girl wriggled her way free and started to run to him. He covered the length of the corridor in long, rapid strides, lifting his niece up in his arms. Closing his eyes, he hugged her tightly, cradling the back of her head with his hand. She clung to him as though her life depended on it; her little body trembled as she cried. "Shhh, it's all right," he soothed, tears slipping silently down his face. "Everything is going to be all right."

"Aunt Enza came to get me…and I was so scared…and she didn't come with me. She got hurt because of me," his little niece said between sobs.

"No, no, that's not true. You mustn't believe that," he said, his voice soft but insistent. "You did nothing wrong, it's not your fault." He gently stroked her hair as he held her just a little bit tighter. "I love you so much, and your aunt loves you. She did get hurt but that wasn't because of you."

He opened his eyes and saw his mother hanging back, watching them with a sad expression on her face. Lok Sim carried his niece over to the bench alongside the wall. He sat down, holding Thia on his lap. She tucked her head under his chin, still crying quietly. Running a soothing hand up and down her back, he rocked her gently. He didn't tell her not to cry. Not only would it have made him a hypocrite, he knew that she needed to be able to let out all the fear and the hurt bubbling up in her little body. And she needed to feel safe enough to do that. He kissed the crown of her hair. Soon, her whimpering cries subsided. Looking down, he saw that her eyes were closed. Her even breathing confirmed that she'd fallen asleep.
I love this, how Thia and Lok Sim who are so relatively improbable as father and de facto daughter - Lok Sim is married to Thia's niece - still have this absolutely natural strong love and togetherness. Thia and Lok Sim belong to one another, and she is so safe with him. It's so beautiful.

I'm very glad that Zara survived, too. This was very moving:

"I love you," she said with tears in her voice.

"I love you," he responded. Ching lifted her hand to his lips.

Tears sprang unbidden to her eyes and she didn't try to fight them. The sobs that shook her slender frame caused a sharp pain to slice through her side, between her injured ribs, but even that wasn't enough to force her to regain her composure. She tried to anchor herself to Ching, to hold on to him as the squall of emotions threatened to sweep her away. But even her rock seemed shaken by what they'd been through. In the silence in the darkened room, she could hear her lover crying quietly. He gently squeezed her hand as he held it against his heart.

"I was so afraid you were gone," he whispered. "I swear I wouldn't have survived losing you."

"It's all right. We'll be all right," she said quietly. Zara curled up closer to him, needing to feel the warmth of his body to remind herself of the truth of her words. They would be all right. Through all of the horrors they'd seen and the difficulties that lay ahead, they would still be together.
So beautiful.

Clark seems to be badly injured, too. Is it possible that you are going to leave him permanently injured? Permanently disabled? I have to admit I would be surprised. Interestingly, there is a story by Tank Wilson at Annesplace (and almost certainly in the Archive) where Clark returns from new Krypton as an amputee. Well, seeing that you turned Enza into an amputee, I'm almost certain that you won't do the same thing to Clark. He could conceivably suffer from other permanent disabilities, though. Will he survive? Well, of course. You have actually told us that he will return to Lois.

Meanwhile in your story, Lois is actually finding it harder and harder to deal with Clark's absence:

"And everything is going to be fine and ordinary and normal. But it shouldn't be. The world shouldn't be the same without him. Hell, the laws of physics shouldn't work when he isn't here."
So poignant.

Was it strength that kept her alive, or had she somehow grown cold-hearted again? Did she lose the capacity to love as purely and as deeply as she once had, now that he was away? She didn't want to believe it was possible. And the ache that still gripped her, deep inside, was enough to prove to her that she loved her husband every bit as much as she had that morning, watching him leave, feeling her heart crumble to dust. Lois swallowed roughly, trying hard not to succumb to the tears welling up in her eyes. She would find a way to keep holding on to him. To keep clinging to hope. And she'd do so for as long as it took for him to make his way back home.

Well, first and foremost I'm relieved after reading this chapter, Rac - relieved that Enza is alive. I want to see her deal with her new situation together with Lok Sim. And I want to see Clark get well enough to get back to Lois.
