I'm LOVING this story!

It amazed Lois to think that she’d sat here for this same game the first time, and had never known that one of the players on the field was going to have such an impact on her life.
It's so interesting to think how many opportunities we miss...how many times we are this close to meeting a person who can change us completely, and never actually do. Great addition to the story here!

As far as she could tell, her alter ego hadn’t continued her newspaper career.
What are you doing, young Lois???? This could be problematic.

Idly, Lois wondered about the effects of 17 year old hormones on a 28 year old mind. He looked really good.
I don't think you can blame this one on 17 year old hormones, Lois! LOL!

There were so many things she needed to tell him…not just about what he was going to have to watch out for, but about how she felt. She felt an urge to open herself up, release all the guilt and grief and pain that had been her whole existence for so long.

She couldn’t, of course. It was going to be hard enough for him to remember the things he needed to hear without listening to the ramblings of what seemed to be a love sick school girl.
How hard this must be for Lois--to never have told him, and to have lived with the grief for so long. Nice writing here.

“Who are you, and why have you been following me? Who do you work for?”

The anxiety in Clark’s voice was mixed with anger.
Now this should be interesting!

Finally, Lois needs to write a note to her younger self to try and get her on the right path. She needs some guidance...and fast!

I look forward to the next part!

PS--Nice dig on "New Coke" in the last chapter--I hated that stuff! LOL

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."