So Martha and Jonathan read Lois's journal. Well, she asked them to. And that's good, because now Lois will be able to talk to her parents-in-law in a way she couldn't do before.

And Lok Sim still suspects that something is not right with communications, that some sort of foul play is going on. He's right, of course, and Rae Et is behind it all. I wonder if that Damage Control Chief, Sur Ahn, is involved. That seems probable. Well, I have faith in Lok Sim to uncover the plot. Only, once again, don't let anything happen to him (or to Enza, for example)!

I adored the description of how Lois read stories to Jon. How typical that children that age want to hear the same story over and over. Being able to learn a story by heart, being able to predict exactly how it will go - there is something deeply, fundamentally satisfying about it. Something almost magical. For once, you can feel that you know the future.

I very much liked Lois's talk with Jonathan. No doubt Martha and Jonathan will be able to give her even more support than they have done so far, if she will only let them.

I loved seeing Talan with her brother and her brother's family. I didn't entirely approve of the questions he asked her about Clark, however. On the other hand, maybe it was good for Talan to be able to say a few things out loud. For the first time ever, she admitted to another person that she loves Kal El. But she also made it perfectly clear that nothing can come out of her feelings for the First Minister. And maybe Serick is right - maybe Talan, too can find love and have a family in the future.

And Clark will have to wait for four weeks for the verdict against Nor - and hopefully Lok Sim will have stopped Rae Et by then. After that, Clark will be able to go home. Of course it will be difficult for Clark and Lois to build a new relationship together. I, too, realize that there are going to be many difficulties. I do expect their love to be sufficiently strong to weather the unavoidable tensions and pitfalls, however.
