Hello everyone!!! I'm back from vacation and just giddy from all this fdk! What a way to come back from vacation. It counteracts the system shock from going from 80 degrees back to 20 degrees. Brrrrr!

Hi Lara! Your comments totally cracked me up. It was so funny to see you enjoying Clark's pain. But I'm glad you made up with him by the end. <g>

I'll take a moment here to address everyone's enjoying of the "insect/tortoises -- some things can die in a month's time while some live over a hundred years" comment. Yes, I did come up with that one on my own. blush I could just see that conversation between Lois & Clark. I am a great lover of tortoises and turtles... I'm the girl who stops her car and jumps out in the middle of the road to go move a tortoise to the other side where it won't get run over. Tee hee. So I'm glad you all enjoyed this part.

Tsk, tsk... that place doesn't exist. It's a myth. Like the spider-someone of other who clings to walls. No such thing. *lol*

Yeah!!! Go, Lois!!!
Somehow I just knew you'd like those "assertive" Lois parts.

And after that he kissed her - and believe me, I totally approved of that....
And that... I figured you'd like that. <g>

Well, waddaya know? I did end up doing a bit of quoting after all. Oh, well. This story sure is worth it!!! [Smiley]
Oh wow! Thank you Ann! How sweet of you to say. And yes, that was quite a gift Lois gave him. Let's hope he doesn't blow it. <g> Thanks!

Hi Jackiek! Glad you liked it. Yes, I'm with you... let's hope Clark doesn't mess this up. Thanks!

Hi Jessi!!!

The rest of the chapter totally made up for the grossness of Dan-kissing at the beginning [Goofy]
Grossness of Dan! Bwahahahaha! I almost fell out of my chair.

Thanks for the fdk! Glad you enjoyed the kiss... there will be more kissing, promise.

Hi Doublel! Yep, Clarkie's jealous. Hah! And Dan feeling those freshly shaven legs - I have to give credit to Sue on that one. She told me after I made that comment about Lois telling Clark that she had to go home and shave her legs, that I absolutely had to put a part in there with Clark seeing Dan feel those freshly shaven legs. Hee hee.

Hi Lisa! Thanks for the fdk and glad you're loving it!

Hello Angie! I would have loved to hear that girly squeal. laugh And yes, such squeal's are better to be uttered at home and not at work. Ha ha ha! Thanks!

Oh, and here's Sue, my sweet little co-writer in crime. <g> Thank you for posting this, and for replying to the fdk -- now I won't have to give you 40 lashes with a wet noodle laugh Seriously, I hope you enjoyed all this fdk as much as I did... and you should totally NOT feel guilty - I would definitely would have given you the noodle lashing if you hadn't answered the fdk - you are my cohort after all. <g> And you know very well that while that cliffhanger may have been mine, it wouldn't have been as good without your help tweaking the ending.

Me have lots more to say??? Why, Sue, I simply don't know what you're talking about! blush And you don't have to wait much longer for part 12. You'll have it sometime today.

Hi Hasini!!!

I'm so glad you loved this chapter. And this...

It’s not that painful to enunciate after the first try…
Ha ha ha! That cracked me up. Totally LOL!

You mean the only reason you aren’t decking this sleazebag is because it would make your lunkheaded boyfriend too smug? Where are your priorities, girl? Clark, go away and come back later. Things are about to get violent…
And that? I almost fell out of my chair. Ha ha! But it's so totally Lois, isn't it? <g>

Is this purely the work of DJ, or do I detect the dry wit of Sue, here, somewhere?
Yes, it was me. But I am Sue's apprentice in training so I'm sure her dry wit is rubbing off on me... I hope it is anyway. <g>

And this is where you bash his brains in with a frozen lamb chop …. The Merlot’s on the counter….

Now, the "Tax info 1995" thing was all Sue. I was trying to figure out what to have Lois write on the outside of that envelope and that's what Sue came up with, laughed myself silly over that one. Thanks Sue!

Yes, there could definitely be some "loose ends" there... but that could very definitely be the penance Clark has to pay for being such a lunkhead - dealing with all of Lois's memory holes and questions.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that it "almost" made Dan worth dealing with... almost. <g> Thanks!

Hi James!

Dan isn't going to know what hit him in the morning
Love that comment... ahem, yes, and that's all I'm gonna say.

How is Clark going to answer her truthfully if it is going to get him into trouble again?
Yes, that's the million dollar question. How indeed... Thanks James!

Hi Nancy! Thanks for stopping in and glad you're still reading!

Hi Maria! Thanks for the fdk! Glad you're still reading and enjoying!

Thanks to all of you so much. You made coming back from vacation so much more enjoyable. <g> Not sure when part 12 will be posted, but I'll be sending it off to Sue to play with sometime today.

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.