Oooh! Oooh! A new part! (I'm not supposed to be lurking here at this time of day, but what the heck...)


Scardino was standing behind Lois; he was leaning down close to her – too close. And then...

He kissed her! Son-of-a... The opportunistic sleazeball had kissed her. And Lois had let him.
Hehehe! smile He deserved that, though. Really now. I really shouldn't be happy and smiling at Clark's anger, but I can't help it. :p

Part of her wanted to give Dan a good slap to the face for his brazenness and give him a piece of her mind, but she certainly didn’t want to give Clark the satisfaction of hearing that... if that was Clark.
Glad that she didn't! Let him think she wasn't completely averse to that kiss. hehehe! (still grinning, sorry Clark!)

“I don’t know,” Clark mused. “Several species of insects live and die in a month’s time.” He gave Lois a pointed look. “It seems that a lot of things can live... or die... in a month’s time.”

His meaning wasn’t lost on her. If their love, their relationship, had died, it was because of him, not her. certainly wasn’t her fault. “Yeah, and some tortoises live to be over a hundred, just goes to show you that some things last longer than others,” she quipped.
Love that!! A little mean, but amusing and... ah, it's just priceless, really. smile

[...]You’re being selfish, Clark.”

“What?” he exclaimed, jumping up from the couch.
Oi... that had to hurt! The selfish comment, not the jumping off the couch. *lol* He thinks he's being completely selfless, for sure. Lunkhead!

“You heard me. You’re being selfish. You can’t have me or won’t have me, whichever it is, but you don’t want me to be with anyone else either. You can’t have it both ways.”
You go girl!! Eat that, Mr. I'm Doing This For Your Own Good!!

“Well, here, let’s see if I can make things simple enough for you. I refuse to stay a spinster for the rest of my life, pining away after someone I can’t have. If you don’t want me, then I’m going to find someone who does. Is that simple and uncomplicated enough for you?” She raised an eyebrow in challenge to him.
Even better!!! Ah, I love this Lois. smile

And then he did something that totally caught her off guard.

He kissed her.
hehe! YAY! ...ok, I like Clark again now. wink

“I want you,” he murmured breathlessly into her mouth.
Awwww! *melts*
Yeah, I'm totally loving Clark again. *happy sigh*

It’s not going to be that easy, Clark, she thought ruefully.
Yeah, I was afraid of that. :rolleyes:

It might be dangerous for her, for them to be together, but wouldn’t it be just as dangerous for them not to be?
oh, oh, is that a light bulb appearing over his head, now? Seeing the light finally, are you, Clark?

Clark had heard that the ‘Daily Bugle’ was a pretty good paper to work for...
Tsk, tsk... that place doesn't exist. It's a myth. Like the spider-someone of other who clings to walls. No such thing. *lol*

Of course not. That was ridiculous! How could he have been so stupid? How could he have not thought through that decision?
By George, he's got it! wink

How could he fix this?

He wasn’t sure. But he knew he had to find a way. She still loved him. He had felt her love in their kiss. It wasn’t too late.

There had to be a way.
Oh course there's a way. DJ and Sue won't let you stay miserable for ever, they would never do that. Don't worry. Although, I'm sure *Lois* wouldn't mind seeing you suffer just a tiny bit more. I probably wouldn't mind either, at this point. Eh.

<Why Lois Lane... still loves Clark Kent...>

Did he deserve a second chance?
Yes, yes! Please?

She gathered a few select pages from her journal in her hands and carefully tore them out before turning to the back of the book to tear out a couple of blank pages.
thumbsup Great part!!! (as if it could have been anything but... DUH!) I loved it, I cannot wait for the next one. *happy sigh* Thanks for the nice long coffee break. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies