No problem Elisabeth - I like it when you all keep me on my toes. <g>

Hi Symbolic! Glad you enjoyed that and thanks for the fdk!

Jojo! <hugs> I wondered where you'd been. <g> So now we've moved from "please don't let this end like the movie" to "No Tank Endings", huh? You're not picky, are you? <g>

DJ whistles and moves on to the next reply...

Oh no! Not you too, Ann!!! You know, when you tell me "not" to do something, it makes it dangerously tempting to actually do it. <g> Not that I would. Nope. Huh-uh. Wouldn't even think about it. Not me...

Seriously, when has one of "my" stories ever NOT had a happy ending? (Or Sue's for that matter? We are working on this together...) Hmmm? Sheesh... you'd think I was evil or something...


See you all back here very soon!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.