Oh my gosh! Look at all this fdk!...

<DJ rolls up her sleeves...>

Hi Nancy! Perk can be a very descriptive word, can't it? <g> And yes, that statement Lois made about shaving her legs was intended to upset him...

Thanks for the comments!

Hi there Terry.

A little jealousy can be good for a relationship, especially when one of them is being a world-class doofus.
I think that is very, very true.

So you're impressed with Lois huh? Well this is Lois we're talking about. Mad Dog Lane. She's not going to let a little thing like partial amnesia get the better of her. <g> Thanks for the fdk, glad you like the story.

Hello Jackie!

You have no idea how much this statement got to me:

that even got to ME. Eww, Dan! Bleh! hehe.
I had to giggle, more than once. Thanks Jackie (oh, and congratulations, btw...)

Hi Pamela!

Glad I could give you a laugh. Thanks for the compliment about Mindy. I (being a blonde - yes I'll admit it) was always morbidly fascinated with Mindy. She played such a ditz and yet was so devious. I thought she was a pretty intriguing villain. You want jealous!Clark? Soon very soon...

Hi there Jen! Thanks for the comments.

I'm so glad so many people found that last line so funny. Sue told me in one of our back and forth conversations that Lois should tell Clark that she had to get ready for her date with Dan - you know, wash her hair, shave her legs, etc... So I put some of those descriptions in there and sat back and read it to myself and went "shave her legs"? Then I giggled for a little bit and decided I could see Clark asking himself the same question.

Glad everyone enjoyed that.

Hi Maria! Thanks for the fdk!

Hi there Lara!!!

Excellent come back! I just totally love when she answers like that, it's SO funny! [Smile]

Great job on ditzy Mindy Church. She sounds so... well... blonde. *lol* [Smile]
Glad you enjoyed that come back. laugh And regarding the "blonde" comment - well, it takes one to know one. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Thanks Artemis!!!

Hi VSP - thanks. I agree, I always thought they should have had her back in Season 4... maybe they originally had planned to bring her back in season 5... sniffle, sniffle...

Hello Elisabeth!

So you wouldn't see Bill Jr. selling anyone out? Did you forget that he immediately fingered Mindy when the police arrested him for the bombing attempt on the art museum? When the police are arresting him and his dad, his dad says "What's going on?" and Bill Jr. says (and I quote) -- "Mindy, it was Mindy! That double-crossing, two-timing..." and Bill Sr. interrupts him saying "Billy, don't talk about your mother like that." <snerk> Hee hee.

So I could totally see him selling her out. It was her fault he was in jail, after all. But I'm glad I was at least able to make it semi-believable to you. <g>

Thanks for all those comments, and your comments at the bottom totally cracked me up. <g>

Hi Ann!!

Oh, DJ, you and Sue are so cruel!
Hmmm, well, we do have a reputation to uphold. drool

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.