Thanks a million for all the feedback, guys!! I have about fifteen minutes to do so before I'll have to rush off and do other things!

Nancy, thank you for appreciating the scene where Clara is running next to Rick's motorbike! I liked it, too. Oh, and I liked that little Casablanca reference from you. And thank you for so faithfully commenting, every time. smile

Mellie, that Dick and Rick thing... I couldn't resist it. I loved Dick Grayson, Robin, when I was a kid, and to say I was shocked when I learnt what "Dick" could mean in English was an understatement! So I just thought... well, you know what I thought. wink Thanks for all your feedback - I really appreciate it!

Hi, Woody! Glad to see you here. Well, I did post again, as you can see.

And Sheila, I'm glad you like Dick Grayson, even if his name is Rick in this story. But just because it's you... yes, maybe Jonathan and Martha are expecting company, and just maybe, maybe it has something to do with Rick.

Maria, thank you for your feedback! Well, like I said, I thought perhaps that in this day and age, a young kid would be uncomfortable about being called "Dick", since that is a slang word that means, uh, something else.... And Bobby Bigmouth is everywhere, isn't he?

And Lara, I'm glad my little story could remind you of the fourth sexiest guy in the world, after Dean Cain, Clark Kent and Superman! goofy Glad you liked Robin, too!

Barbara, thanks for commenting and prasing my writing! blush Well, like I said, I, too, want Clark to come back, but it won't happen right away.

Chris! You are here, too? So glad to see you! And hey, you read your first DC Comics in 1963? You beat me by five years....

Rachel, thanks a lot! Wow, you liked my description of Rick's eyes that much? blush

As for Rachel Harris, she is a small-town sheriff... very smalltown... and maybe she isn't always doing things by the book?

And Crystal, I'm so glad to see you here. Yes, Clara is her mother's daughter, and she's very much in need of answers, indeed. Hopefully she'll find some of the answers she's looking for.

Thanks, everybody, for reading and commenting! You all make my day!!!
