I stare into a pair of dark blue eyes. Dark, dark, dark, blue eyes. Gleaming like – I don’t know, like sapphires glinting off the moonlight in the night?
Oooh… Nice imagery.

”Batman?” Batman! Now that's interesting. Wow. Look at that boy. He’s suddenly gone all pale. Makes his eyes look even more amazing.

Hmmm…. So who is Clara getting all aflutter about?

So just exactly how did he come to be on Interstate 70 in what was it? Indiana? Illinois?
Oh, yeah... you explain..

Of course, it doesn’t take many seconds before I’ve caught up with him.

”Hey, I’m sorry,” I yell as I’m running beside him. He tries to shake me off by going even faster, but I put myself in a higher gear, too.
Oh, what a sight!

His eyes look so happy and beautiful and downright amazing that I can’t look at them, but I can’t look away, either. Damn, but I’m drowning in them!

He’s holding out his hand to me. ”Friends?”

Friends. Yeah. Friends. Friends is good. I smile at him and grab his hand. At least I can shake his hand harder than he can shake mine!
Sounds like the start of a beautiful relationship.

”Never mind,” he sighs. ”He used to be an actor. Makes his own pasta sauce, too. Anyway… he was famous for his blue eyes.”
The way you described Dick’s blue eyes, he’s got Paul Newman beat 10 to 1.

Ah, Clara’s first crush….

He drops a kiss on my hair. Damn him! What’s he doing that for?
He’s smitten. Ah, young love…

”You’re Clara Ellen Lane, aren't you?” she says. ”Okay, kid. I’m Sheriff Rachel Harris. You are under arrest.”
For what!?

Come back soon and tell us what Clara did!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~