Aw, go on, tell me what you're really thinking. <g>
Okay, Sue, since I have practically no time at all to quote from your story, let me just say... hmmmm, you told me once in a private email that you wanted to show how Clark and Lois were "in orbit around each other", as I had once put it, because in your opinion their mutual orbiting was so sexually charged it could have scorched paint off the walls. Okay, so this is the SueSian amendment of the Newtonian law of motion: Two bodies named Lois and Clark/Superman/Kal-El exert the kind of mutual attraction during their orbit around their common center of gravity that any nearby wall wil have to be re-painted after having been subjected to the influence of their mutual dance of seduction around each other.

Ehh.... Sue? I'm sure you know it's been said that some people die of a broken heart. Me the super-cynic have always tended to scoff at this suggestion, and I ungratefully dissolve into fits of giggles whenever I read the ending of Tristan and Isolde. You know, the ending where Tristan is told that his beloved Isolde has not come to say good-bye to him on his deathbed, and he promptly dies of a broken heart. And then Isolde comes to him only a little while later and finds her beloved Tristan dead - and then she propmptly dies of a broken heart. <snort> I can't help it, I think it's sweet, but it's silly too, and I giggle.

Ah, but... maybe you can die of unrequieted physical desire? How much can you take before you explode? Hmmmm, Sue. Maybe your story will be right up there with other tragic love stories, except Lois and Clark's story will be about tragically, lethally frustrated good old "God-I'll-die-if-I-can't-do-you-know-what-with-him/her" feelings.

Ah, Sue!!!! Help!!!! You know I can't stand deathfic. SOS, Sue! Save Our Souls! STS! Save Their Souls! STB! Save Their Bodies! SLACB! Save Lois and Clark's Bodies!!!! PP! Pretty Please! WSOT! With Sugar On Top!!!!!!

Please? grovel grovel grovel grovel grovel


P.S. Sue? I think I liked your story. wink