Terry, you've outdone yourself again with another brilliant chapter. Have I told you how much I love this story? Because I do. The way you're crafting this has me looking so forward to every new post!

There's been a bit of discussion about what this conversation between Constance and Lois entails:
" ... I don’t think a revelation like that would help my client’s case one bit. I can’t, of course, tell you what to print, nor would I ever try to do so, but I’d like to suggest that such inquiries shouldn’t be part of this trial. ..."
I'm taking it as a subtle request for The Planet's editorial board to take issue with any attempt to skew the trial toward "outing" Superman. They're basically tantamount to The New York Times in terms of size, a global readership and ability to impact readers and citizens, right? So taking this fight to the Opinions page is a brilliant tactic to sway public support in favor of a fair, "just the facts, ma'am" trial for Superman.

And I grinned when I saw the pseudo-shout-out to Starbucks here:
“ ... and there’s a thermos of Starways coffee on your desk.”
Niiiice. As a former barista (I slung coffee all through college), any kind of reference like this makes me inexplicably giggle.

But, on a far more serious note, this passage took my breath away:
“Clark? There’s something else you haven’t told me, isn’t there?”

He tried to look away but failed. “Yes.”

“What is it?” He didn’t respond. “Clark, you can tell me anything. Anything at all.” Except goodbye, she added silently.

“I’m – not sure I can articulate it.”

Her voice softened. “I’m willing to let you try.”

He opened his mouth but said nothing, then abruptly closed his eyes and hugged himself tightly. “I’m – I’m scared.”
Oh. Just ... oh. I can't even adequately articulate just how much Clark's admission moved me. I can *see* this conversation happening, I can *feel* Clark's uncertain vulnerability and Lois' quiet determination to support him however she can. This was beautifully written and so, so heart-wrenching.

And then for Clark to get the last question at the press conference? Genius. wink (I also loved the Annette O'Toole reference!)

Seriously, Terry, this is a gripping read. I can't wait for you to post the next part!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien