“Ms. Hunter, it’s nearly six-thirty on Monday evening, I’ve been meeting with auditors and employees all day and I missed lunch and I’m late for dinner with my mother, so this needs to move along.”
the "late for dinner with my mother" bit made this line funny!

“I think the DA is going to ask Superman whether or not he has another identity, an alter ego, another name he operates under. That, in and of itself, isn’t illegal, but I don’t think a revelation like that would help my client’s case one bit. I can’t, of course, tell you what to print, nor would I ever try to do so, but I’d like to suggest that such inquiries shouldn’t be part of this trial. I’ll do what I can with the jury and in the courtroom, of course, but this question won’t go away if Reisman smells blood. I don’t want to distract from the essential issues of the case, and I don’t want my client to be put in the position of either revealing some deeply personal information or lying on the stand.”

“Ah. Yes, I – you make a good point.”

“Thank you. I assume I’ll see you Wednesday morning?”

“You’ll not only see me, Ms. Hunter, you’ll feel my presence.”

“That’s what I thought. Have a nice dinner, Ms. Lane. Good-bye.”
I am not quite sure I caught the underlying thread in this conversation. What does Connie want Lois to do?

Little friction between Clark and Ron. Glad that Lois called Clark on it.

She paused and waited, hoping that her world wasn’t about to end. “Does this mean – are you telling me you’re leaving?”

He shook his head without turning around. “No. It just means I – I don’t want to disappoint you again. I don’t want to give you any expectations that I can’t fulfill.”
But it sounds to me like he is leaving, even if it is only inside.

“Clark Kent, Daily Planet. How long do you think the trial will last?”
The irony in CK covering this press conference made me giggle.

Good chapter. You are doing well at showing how L&C are just about to tear each other apart. I hope they survive this.

lisa in the sky with diamonds