Echo, echo, echo! I'm also glad to see this one back, Jenni. I was concerned that real life had overwhelmed you, and as a result we'd never find out what eventually happens in this very touching story.

I think my daughter would term it "emo" meaning "dramatically emotional." Not that that's a bad thing, you understand. It's a very good thing, especially when it wears such a beautiful garment as this story. I anticipate that Clark will regain enough of his memory to be an effective father and husband once again, but I don't anticipate a return of Superman.

But I've been wrong before. And if I was wrong now, it wouldn't hurt my feelings. I just hope Lois lets those doctors live after they operate. She's liable to rip them apart and put them back together as conjoined surgeons with their heads beaten down between their shoulders.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing