smile Coolness! What a great way to start a Friday!

No, he wouldn’t, would he? Because he couldn’t live like this. It had only been two days, but he was ready to concede defeat.
you need to be stronger than that, Clark! You'll never be Superman if you can't stand a little bit of hurt...

“Mom, these are all really....” Awful, he wanted to say. Unspeakably, unimaginably awful.
yeah, no kidding - when I think back to the scene in the pilot, it's a wonder he ever agreed to put them on in the first place. LOL!

“Clark, who are we to say how people from Krypton dress? Maybe all Kryptonians wear their underwear on the outside. It’s not like anyone’s going to be able to argue with you about it.”

He might, given a decade or so, be able to work up the nerve to venture out in public wearing something like this...if it were very dark at the time. And absolutely no one else was around.
Caroline, this is just *so* funny! I love it! smile

I’m not even in the alphabet, Dad.
Ok, this has to be the funniest line yet! I almost passed out laughing. hehehe!

Excellent part! smile ...cue lame pun: I had a ball reading it. (end lame pun)

A/N: So will she dance with him? Let me know what you think
Yessssssss! Please!!! smile

I hope it manages to be entertaining, even as it covers very familiar ground.
*absolutely*! smile Loved it!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies