The entire first part is so heart wrenching, but the trip home to Kansas helped (well, helped me, maybe Clark didn't take so much comfort!)

“Clark, who are we to say how people from Krypton dress? Maybe all Kryptonians wear their underwear on the outside. It’s not like anyone’s going to be able to argue with you about it.”
LOL! Bless Martha.

He might, given a decade or so, be able to work up the nerve to venture out in public wearing something like this...if it were very dark at the time. And absolutely no one else was around.
I am loving this entire scene, so funny!

His mother slapped the back of his head, knowing full well that it wouldn’t hurt him.
Are you kidding? She probably would have slapped him even if it was going to hurt! My mom would have. smile

he knew that if it came down to a choice between humiliating himself again in front of Lois Lane and wearing his underwear on the outside in public, he’d actually choose the latter.
Ouch. This line says so much.

Clark glared at her. “I thought we weren’t talking about anyone specific.”

“That was a polite fiction. So will she?”
Repeating myself, I know, but I really, really love Martha!

Clark had not intended to take his mother’s advice. He had not intended to approach Lois at all, in fact. But somehow, he found himself next to her on the dance floor, looking into the eyes of one of the richest men in the world and asking a question no other man in the room would have dared to ask.

“May I cut in?”
What a place to leave us, Caroline! But at least it isn't cruel like *some people* (and you know how you are!)

Fabulous chapter, and very entertaining indeed.

lisa in the sky with diamonds