A new chapter of Stardust so quickly? Caroline, you're spoiling us. But I'm not complaining. laugh

By the time he stepped off the elevator and into the lobby, his face was no longer burning and he’d made his decision: He would work out his two weeks, and then he would go.
No, Clark! No!

If he’d looked as bad on the outside as he felt on the inside, people would be forming a circle around his prostrate body and reaching for their mobiles to call for immediate medical assistance.
Oh. That's heartbreaking. Very nicely put.

Loved Clark's thoughts on the different fabrics Martha had brought home. That was a welcome humorous interlude.

Sure enough, even his mother wrinkled her nose and shook her head at the sight of him looking like a giant, humiliated cat.
Heeeeee! Awww, now I'm thinking "yes" to the design, if it makes him a match for the catlike Lois. *g*

“Pretty doesn’t even come close, Mom.”
*sigh* Our boy is hopelessly smitten.

I vote yes to the question of her dancing with him. She has reasons not to do so, but come on, Lois. Be brave!

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."